Howe Montessori and Center Based Education


To access Clever from home or a public library:       

  1. Go to the student page of the Dearborn Public Schools.  Here’s the website:
  2. Click:  Clever (Khan Academy, *myOn, MobyMax) under useful links.
  3. The student’s login is their student number:
  4. The password needs to be typed in carefully. (All students should know it.)
  5. * If  you have an iPad or tablet you want to use for myOn you’ll need to click on the tablet (BLUE BOX) next to your avatar. When you click the tablet it will give you a secret code for you to login.  (If the date of birth is 12252009, no leading zeros are needed for the pw.)

Parents will probably need to help students get to myOn the first time the students use Clever to get to myOn, Khan Academy, or Mobymax at home or at the public library. (All of these programs are free for home use or library use.)  If you are using Chrome, you will need to click on “link data” and “Ok, got it” the first time you use Clever. (It’s at

If you are not using Google Chrome, you will be prompted to sign in to Google.  A login/username for a student is their student number. Here’s an example:     (All students should know their password.)

The first time you help your student log in, you’ll need to click on “Accept,” “Allow,” and “Let’s Go.”  You’ll then click on the myOn icon or button.  Your student will love myOn!
