Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Severe Cognitive Impairment (SCI)

R 340.1705 Cognitive impairment; determination.
Rule 5.

(1) Cognitive impairment shall be manifested during the developmental period and be determined through the demonstration of all of the following behavioral characteristics:

    1. Development at a rate at or below approximately 2 standard deviations below the mean as determined through intellectual assessment.
    2. Scores approximately within the lowest 6 percentiles on a standardized test in reading and arithmetic. This requirement will not apply if the student is not of an age, grade, or mental age appropriate for formal or standardized achievement tests.
    3. Lack of development primarily in the cognitive domain.
    4. Impairment of adaptive behavior.
    5. Adversely affects a student’s educational performance.

(2) A determination of impairment shall be based upon a comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary evaluation team, which shall include a psychologist.

In order for a student to be identified as either moderate cognitive impaired or severe cognitive impaired they must meet the above and below conditions.

  1. A student with a moderate cognitive impairment has a development rate at or below approximately 3 (55-40) standard deviations below the mean as determined through intellectual assessment.
  2. A student with a severe cognitive impairment has a development rate at or below approximately 4 (40>) standard deviations below the mean as determined through intellectual assessment.