Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Howe PTA Updates

 -PTA Movie night is this Friday at 6:00pm!  Please send in your RSVP this week!  Extra forms are hanging on the board outside the office.  Siblings welcome, all kids bring a sleeping bag & pillow!  Concessions available for purchase.
– Box Tops collection will be in February the week before winter break, so keep collecting your Box Tops!  Parents can begin sending them in Monday Feb. 12th, and last day for submissions is Monday Feb. 26th.  The class with highest submission will win a lunch pizza party!
– Late Start this Wednesday 1/17!
– Howe PTA will be looking for new board members for next year!  If you are interested in being more involved in your school’s events, step forward and let us know!  Email any questions or inquiries at