Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

December Dates To Remember!

It is hard to believe, but we have officially reached the end of the month. December is upon us and we have some important dates to remember. Some classroom activities will be happening this month as well. Be sure to check your child’s classroom blogs or Dojo for any additional classroom activities!

Friday, December 1- Picture Retake Day and Popcorn Friday/ Gratitude Awards in the cafeteria at 8:55

Tuesday, December 5 – Early Dismissal (Special Ed Program Dismissal is 1:50 and Montessori Dismissal is 2:25)

Tuesday, December 12-Early Dismissal (Special Ed Program Dismissal is 1:50 and Montessori Dismissal is 2:25)

Thursday, December 14- ROAR Anti-Bullying Assembly

Monday, December 18 – Holiday Sweater/Holiday Color Day (Red, Green, White)

Tuesday, December 19 – Tinsel Toes Tuesday (Wear your crazy/holiday socks and holiday bling) Early Dismissal (Special Ed Program Dismissal is 1:50 and Montessori Dismissal is 2:25)

Wednesday, December 20- OREO Day- Wear Winter Wonderland White and wish for Snow

Thursday, December 21- Think Out Loud Thursday- Wear your Holiday Headwear( Santa caps/antlers/Holiday headbands or Crazy Hair Day

Friday, December 22- Holiday Pajama Day- Sing-A-Long in the Gym 9:30-10:15 (parents are welcome to come and Sing-A-Long)

Monday, December 25-Friday, December 29- HAPPY HOLIDAYS!- NO SCHOOL

Monday, January 8- Half Day of School Special Education Programs dismiss at 11:30 and Montessori Dismissal is at 12:05

I hope everyone has a great month!