Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Important Message for the Coming School Year

July 12, 2024

Greetings Parents,

As many of you know, a letter was sent home on June 7, 2024, explaining some changes for the upcoming school year. Two changes were discussed: the administrative restructuring of the Michael Berry Campus, which included Howe School, and the change in start and end time at Howe School. The district is committed to administrative restructuring, which will provide efficiency for the school and better student outcomes while maintaining the same culture that has made the Howe Montessori and special education program a bright star in our district.

Initially, part of our goal to provide greater efficiencies for the campus was to adjust start and end times for the Howe Montessori and special education programs. However, to honor the survey that was sent in May 2024, the district will adjust the start and end times for Howe School to follow the same bell schedule for both the Montessori and Special Education programs. The entire school will follow the middle school bell time: 8:25 a.m./ 3:20 p.m. Breakfast will begin at 8:10 am.

We look forward to what the future holds for Howe School. We plan on holding a parent “meet the Director/Coordinator meeting”, which will be held early on in the school year. Dates and times will be provided closer to the event. We have also attached the original letter sent on June 7, 2024, for your reference. We appreciate all of the stakeholder feedback we have received and look forward to a wonderful school year. 

Have a wonderful summer, 

Adam Martin

Executive Director, Student Achievement, Fordson Feeder Track  

Fatme Faraj, Executive Director of Student Achievement, Dearborn High feeder Track

Mike Esseily

Executive Director, Special Populations