Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

PTA Minutes- November 7

PTA Meeting: Nov 7, 2024
Membership Report: 50 members
Principal Report
● No principals today
Teacher’s Report
● No report
President report- Amal Ayad
October Recap
● Trunk or Treat was very successful. We had many cars that participated in
the event. We sold out of pizza and everyone overall had a great time.
● We had our first bake sale the first week of October. We sold out of all
baked good and the feedback was good so we will continue alternating
between bake sale and popcorn on Friday each month.
● Picture Day went smoothly, make sure to watch out for the Picture retake
date in the Blog.
● A big Thank you to Amanda Parker and Heba Berry for volunteering.
● Conferences will be on Nov 12 & 14
● PTA will be providing dinner for the evening of the 12th for the teachers
during conferences
Book Fair
● Book Fair will take place next week November 11-15 and we need more
volunteers to sign up and help.
● Set up will be tomorrow when Items get dropped off. Rami and Myself will
help to set up the items delivered
● We still have scholastic dollars that have not been used. Teachers need to
turn in their wish list so that Amanda Park can place the order.
● It was decided that for the upcoming book fair we will opt for the cash
instead of scholastic dollars. In the spring, we will pick scholastic dollars
again. The cash will go to the PTA account and we will continue to use the
cash for any needs that teachers and staff need.
Student Communication Board

● Hanan Baiz & Hanie Basma will be updating the board for
November. The Theme is “ Thankful”

○ If your stopping in for parent teacher conference please check
out our board it’s in the front across from the Pre-school

December Event
● We will be doing candy grams for the month of December and a Bake sale
on Dec 6 th .
Movie Night
● I will email the principal to verify if Dec 10 th at 5:00 pm in the Gym is a
good day.
● Theme will be the Grinch and the possible movie of choice is the
lumination Presents Dr.Seuss ‘ The Grinch
● We will have a hot chocolate bar, Popcorn, Donuts, and Pizza
● I will contact companies to see if we can get a giant projector
Next Meeting
● Next meeting will be in person after drop off DEC. 5 in the Stem Cafeteria
at 8:45 AM
Treasurer Report- Rami
● Financial Statement :$6,090 is what we have in our account and $340 in
the cash box
○ If you want a more detailed statement you can email Rami.
● Gaga ball pit update
○ Turf still has not been installed.