Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Tammy Fournier

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Friday! The following selections will be served today in the Cougar Cafe...... Breakfast Chef's Choice Lunch 1st Choice: Halal Hamburger 2nd Choice: Sunbutter & Jelly w/String Cheese Have a great day and an even better...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Today we will serve the following choices in the Cougar Cafe..... Breakfast Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Round Lunch 1st Choice: Delicious Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice: Bean and Cheese Burrito Have a great day!

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! You know what day today is?!!! It's Wednesday! It's also National Oreo Day and National Dentist Day, so be sure to brush after you treat yourself to a cookie!!! No cookies in-store today from the Cougar Cafe, but we'll sweeten things up for our...

Today’s Lunch and Early Release

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Tuesday, and what a day it is today!! Welcome to National Cheese Doodle Day!! Now, while we won't be serving cheese doodles today, cheese is on our menu today in the Cougar Cafe..... Breakfast Assorted Cereal Bars Lunch 1st Choice: Bosco...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! It's Monday!! Here's what's cooking in the Cougar Cafe..... Breakfast Egg and Cheese Bagel Lunch 1st Choice: Halal Chicken Tenders 2nd Choice: Hummus and Pita Have a great day!

Today’s Lunch and Popcorn Day!

Good Morning Howe!!! Welcome to March! It's the official start of Meteorological Spring, and there are only 18 days left until the season officially arrives. Since we've been spared the Lion-like arrival, we'll serve up the following today in the Cougar Cafe........

Mark Your Calendars!

It is hard to believe, but tomorrow we will turn the page to a new month. March is Reading Month and our theme for the month is Charlotte's Web. All of our students in all of our programs will be reading the book together and engaging in activities around the book. In...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Leap Day to you! Today we'll celebrate with some out-of-this-world choices in the Cougar Cafe. Coming up on the menu today..... Breakfast Cinnamon Toast Crunch Squares Lunch 1st Choice: Galaxy Pizza 2nd Choice: Buffalo Chicken and Cheese...