Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Tammy Fournier

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Since we're on the abbreviated schedule next week we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving a little early today with the following selection in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Herb Roasted Turkey Breast w/roll We'll also have mashed potatoes and green...

Today’s Lunch- Early Release

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Tuesday one and all. We're continuing on the theme of student favorites today in the Cougar Cafe. Today you can't go wrong with the following choices..... 1st Choice: Halal Chicken Nuggets 2nd Choice: Turkey and Cheese Sandwich Have a...

PTA Meeting Thursday!

PTA Meeting This Thursday, 11/16/23 at 6pm. Virtual Event Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 4205 9176 Passcode: 251036 See you then!  Thank you!  Angie

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Monday! On today's menu..... 1st Choice: Bosco Sticks and Marinara 2nd Choice: Sun Butter and Jelly

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!! Today we'll be serving the following choices in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Pasta and Sauce with Roll 2nd Choice: Southwest Veggie Wrap Have a great day!

Today’s Parent Partnership Meeting

Thank you to all our parents who attended our Parent Meeting today to learn about our Title 1 Plan for supporting our school community. I appreciate the opportunity to spend time with you. I know there were some parents who were unable to attend the meeting today and...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Today's lunch selections are: 1st choice: Delicious Pizza 2nd choice: Bean and Cheese Burritos Hope to see you this morning for Coffee with the Principal at 9:00 in room 116!

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Welcome Back! On our menu today..... 1st Choice: Halal Chicken Tenders 2nd Choice: Hummus and Pita

Howe Montessori Parent Meeting Thursday

Please join me on Thursday, November 9 from 9:00 to 10:00 to enjoy a warm cup of coffee and a breakfast treat in our STEAM classroom 116. This gathering is designed to give you a chance to hear about what is happening in our school and to learn ways we can work...