Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Tammy Fournier

Half Day of School Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Friday, 10/27/23) is a scheduled, district-wide half-day of school. The special education programs will dismiss at 11:30 and the Montessori Program will dismiss at 12:05.

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Today is Pizza Thursday in the Cougar Cafe, so without further adieu here's the plan in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Delicious Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice:  Southwest Veggie Wrap - OR - Taco Mac

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Today we'll be cooking up an old favorite of our students in the Cougar Cafe...... 1st Choice: Taco Mac Pasta 2nd Choice: Bean and Cheese Burrito

Early Release Tuesday and Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Welcome to Early Release Tuesday!! We’ll try something new today in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Grilled Cheese w/Halal Pepperoni Sandwich 2nd Choice: Sunbutter and Jelly w/String Cheese Just a reminder that the Special Ed Programs will...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Happy MICHIGAN Monday!!! I hope you all had a great weekend, no matter what team won! We'll have a winning breakfast for lunch to start off this last full week of October. On tap in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Pancakes or Waffles and Cheesy...

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! We will be dishing up the following in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Really Cheesy Mac and Cheese! 2nd Choice: Bean and Cheese Burrito

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! Today is Pizza Day in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Delicious Pizza 2nd Choice: Tuna Salad Croissant I hope you have a great day!

Today’s Lunch

Good Morning Howe!!! It's Wednesday!!! Today, to celebrate that we'll be putting on the dog in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Halal Hot Dog 2nc Choice: Cat in the Hat Strawberry Yogurt Parfait

PTA Meeting This Week!

Hello PTA Members! Reminder! We will have a PTA meeting this Thursday, 10/19 at 4 pm IN PERSON this month, in the school cafeteria! Hope to See you there!  Thanks!Angie