It is hard to believe, but we have reached the final week of school. To celebrate, we will have a spirit week and some special activities: June 12th, Monday - Spirit Day Theme: Movie, Wear PJ's 1:30 Special Education Graduation in the Gym 5:30 Kindergarten Promotion...
Tammy Fournier
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Thursday everyone!!! We'll do today right by offering the following in the Cougar Cafe..... 1st Choice: Delicious Cheese Pizza 2nd Choice: Bean and Cheese Burrito
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Today the Cougar Cafe celebrates our Wednesday with breakfast for lunch! 1st Choice: French Toast Sticks 2nd Choice: Blueberry Parfait w/Graham Crackers and String Cheese!
Parents Needed for Special Education Interview Committee
The parent and staff committee interviews for the Special Education Coordinator position will be held on Thursday June 22, 2023 from 9am until 3pm at 18700 Audette Street in the Human Resources office of the Administrative Service...
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Happy Tuesday!! Today your Cougar Cafe will be offering the following for our Students..... 1st Choice: Macaroni and Cheese 2nd Choice: Hummus and Pita Bread
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Welcome back to our last full week of the year. To kick things off the Cougar Cafeteria will be offering the following..... 1st Choice: Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich w/String Cheese 2nd Choice: Tuna Salad Croissant
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! The Cougar Cafe will be serving the following lunch choices: 1st Choice: Cheese Quesadilla w/salsa 2nd Choice: Yogurt w/String Cheese and Graham Cracker Don't forget, today is also our last Popcorn Friday!
Popcorn Friday!
THIS Friday, June 2nd, is our Last POPCORN Friday of the year! Bring $1.00 for a bag of popcorn!
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Welcome to our last month of the regular school year. Today we will fire up the ovens and be offering the following from your Cougar Cafe! 1st Choice: Galaxy Pizza 2nd Choice: Veggie Ranch Wrap
Today’s Lunch
Good Morning Howe!!! Unbelievably it's the last day of May! We're celebrating this milestone day with the following choices from your Cougar Cafe!! 1st Choice: Halal Chicken Patty Sandwich 2nd Choice: Hummus and Pita