January 13, 2023 Attention Parents/Guardians: An individual at Howe Elementary School was recently diagnosed with active Tuberculosis disease. Others may have been exposed to Tuberculosis during this school year. Tuberculosis (TB) disease is caused by bacteria called...
Tammy Fournier
Reminder: Important Dates
Just a quick reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 17 for MLK Day Half-Day of School Friday, January 20 Half-Day of School Monday, January 23 Half-Day Dismissal Times are 11:30 for special ed and 12:05 for Montessori
Today’s Lunch & Popcorn Day
Good morning. Lunch for today: 1st- choice Scrambled Eggs w/Pancakes 2nd- choice Cat in the Hat Strawberry Yogurt Parfait Don't forget is popcorn day! Bring $1 if you would like a bag of popcorn.
Popcorn Friday!
Reminder! THIS FRIDAY, 1/13/23 is Popcorn Friday! Bring in $1.00 for a bag of popcorn!! Support the PTA and your school!
Today’s Lunch
Good morning Lunch for today, 1st choice is cheese pizza 2nd choice is veggie wrap
Today’s Lunch
Good morning Lunch today: 1st choice- Fish patty sandwich Second- sunbutter and jelly
Today’s Lunch
Good morning Lunch for today: 1st choice is a Hot dog 2nd choice is blueberry parfait
Welcome Back!
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a very happy and healthy holiday break. I would also like to take a moment to thank you for the many generous gifts, holiday wishes, and delicious treats. They all really helped to fill my heart with happiness this holiday season. As...
Happy Holidays! No School Tomorrow!
Greetings to all! It looks like we are starting winter break a day early. All Dearborn Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 23. Any school activities on Saturday, Dec. 24 are also canceled. Enjoy your winter break everyone! We look forward...
Please Join Us Virtually For Our Howe School Sing-a-long
Our whole school sing-a-long will begin at 9:30 this morning. Please feel free to join us virtually in this holiday event using the link below: Join Zoom Meeting https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/6560489332?pwd=SjVIYmEzTzBONGpqaS9zQ2JhbUZUUT09 Meeting ID: 656 048...