Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Community News

Movie Night Is Coming!

Our PTA sponsored Movie Night is January 31st @ 6:00 pm in the gym!  Fliers will be coming home this week!  We will be watching the movie Trolls.  If you can bring an item for the concession stand, please use the link below to sign up!  All purchases will be...

PTA Meeting Tomorrow

Our first PTA meeting of the new year is this Thursday, January 9th, at 3:45pm in the cafeteria! We will be discussing our movie night at the end of the month, and a special program organized by Mrs. Angela. Hope to see you all there! 

Happy Holidays!

Best wishes to all our Howe School Families during this holiday season. I hope you enjoy good health and happiness over the winter break, and I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year!

Thank you Howe Family

On behalf of the staff and students of Howe School, we would like to extend a huge thank you to all our families for the help and support you have shown us through the year. Whether you volunteered for a special event, showered us with good wishes, or sent in a gift,...

Donate Pajamas/ Wear Pajamas this Thursday!!

The Girl Scouts of Troop 71803 are collecting pajamas this week for the annual Howe Montessori Pajama Drive! If you can, please donate a pair of NEW pajamas (any size) for children in need. Please bring the pajamas to school by Friday.  Or you can send a monetary...