Howe Montessori and Center Based Education


We have provided answers to most of the frequently asked questions regarding Howe Montessori & Center Based Education School. If your question(s) is/are not found in this FAQ section, feel free to contact our office at (313) 827-7000 between normal business hours or send us an email.

What is the tuition to attend Howe?
Howe school is a public school so there is no tuition; however, the Developmental Preschool Program is a fee based program. For more information on the Pre-K program, click here.

What grades does Howe offer?
Howe Montessori offers K-5 with a fee based PK. The Center based programs range in age of 3 through 26.

How big are the classes at Howe Montessori?
We try our best to cap the class size at 24. There have been times were the class size was slightly larger but generally class size ranges from 20-25 students.

What is expected of me as a Howe parent?
Since Howe Montessori is a within district school of choice program parents are expected to drop off and pick up their children. It is imperative that students are dropped off on time and picked up on time. Parents are also expected to check their child’s homework, planner daily, as well as checking teacher blogs on a daily basis.

What curricula does Howe use?
Howe Montessori uses district curriculum such as Eureka Squared Math, Benchmark ELA, UFLI phonics, Amplify Science, and the Montessori materials. We follow the Common Core Curriculum standards. The Center programs uses Essential Elements of the Common Core Curriculum standards, Balanced Literacy, First Authors Writing Curriculum.

What special classes are available?
Gym, Music, and Art are available to all Montessori and Center based students. Montessori students also have STEAM and 3rd-5th grade has Media.

What kind of supplies do I need to purchase for my child? When will I receive the supply list?
Students in grades 1st through 4th will receive the supply list for the next grade in their end of the year report card. All supply lists will be posted on school blog and teachers blogs in August. Please bring any purchased supplies to the Open House before school begins.

Does Howe offer bussing for my student?
The Montessori is considered a school of choice program. It is the parents responsibility to drop off and pick their student on time. Center based students are bused to the school by the district. Any questions about this bussing can be directed to Mrs. Bernadette Drennon or the transportation office.

What time does school start and end?
8:25 AM and 3:20 PM respectively. Half day dismissal is at 11:30 am. Early Release Tuesday dismissal time is 1:50 pm.

Where should students go when they arrive at school?
Montessori- Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade  students can enter through the doors off of Ann Arbor Trail and Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th enter through the MBCC at Door 20. The students come in and go to breakfast if they arrive between 8-8:20 am or straight to class if they enter between 8:20-8:25 am. Any arrivals AFTER 8:25 am need to be walked in by a parent and signed in at Door 15. Center based students should be dropped off at Door 15 at the office if they are not arriving on the bus.

Can I visit my child’s classroom?
Of course. However, as to not interrupt the learning for students, it is important to make a scheduled visit. Please schedule an appointment with the office and teacher.

How much is lunch? Do I send cash with my child?
Breakfast and lunch are  provided free through a government grant. Please reference the tab to see more information.

What is a lunch card? How does my child us it? How do I check the balance?
For right now we are not using school lunch cards because all breakfast and lunches are free for students.

What is the pick-up/drop off procedure? How is it handled if I have multiple children that are scheduled to exit out different doors.
Students can be dropped off at Door 18, 20 or 15 with a parent. For dismissal all siblings go out the door with the oldest sibling.

Does Howe offer a breakfast program?
Yes. Please see the side tab for more information.

Is my child allowed to have a snack at school? What kind of snacks can I send?
Yes. All of our classrooms have one snack time each day. We promote a healthy snack policy and ask you to send things that will fuel their brains. Some favorites are fresh fruit, vegetables, crackers/cheese, crackers, goldfish, popcorn, pretzels. Please avoid sugar and chips for these snack times.

How often do the children get recess and for how long?
Recess happens two times daily for a minimum of 15 minutes each time.

What are the office hours?
Monday thru Friday (except holidays, see school calendar)
7:15 am to 3:45 pm

What do I do if my child is sick?
Please call the school and leave a message on the attendance line or you can email/message your child’s teacher.

What do I do if my child is late to school?
You need to come into the building at Door 15 and sign them in.

What should I do if I have to pick up my child early?
You need to come into the building and check the student out. At that time they will be called down to the office. No student will be called down prior to a parent showing up.

Who can check my child out of school?
Anyone who is on the emergency card. The guardian needs to call in advance to let us know that it will be someone other than the guardian.

How many absences can my child have?
Attendance is a pertinent part of a child’s education. We asked that your child has limited absences. After 10 absences you will receive a letter home. If the attendance continues to be an issue the matter is turned over to our truancy officer.

What do I do if my child needs medication administered during the day?
Come into the office and meet with the school nurse, principal, or the secretary. Be sure to bring in a Doctor’s script for the medication.

How does Howe handle celebrating children’s birthdays and other holidays in school?
We believe that birthdays and holidays are an intricate part of a child’s development and are honored. Cultural differences are explored and discussed.

How are students’ graded? When are report cards sent out?
Report cards are sent out quarterly. Students are graded on a 1, 2, 3, 4 scale (1 being mastery and a 4 being need improvement)

How will I know if school is cancelled or delayed because of bad weather?
Everyone will receive an automated phone call to their primary phone number. The district also puts out blog posts, facebook updates as well as informing the local media.

When is the best time and method to contact my child’s teacher?
The best way to contact your child’s teacher is through e-mail or setting up an appointment.

Can I be a chaperone for my child’s field trip? Can I bring my other children on the field trip?
Yes, you can be a chaperone! There is a volunteer form that needs to be filled out. Siblings are not allowed on the field trip. Being a chaperone involves watching your child as well as assisting with the other students.

Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom? How do I arrange to volunteer?
It is encouraged that you volunteer in your child’s classroom. Contact the classroom teacher to arrange.

Is there a before school/after school program available?
Yes. Kids Club is available for a fee. The main office has brochures available to provide more information.