Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

October 3 PTA Meeting Minutes

PTA Meeting : Oct 3, 2024
Membership Report: 50 members

Principal Report
● Mrs. Alcodray
○ Coffee with the Principal was successful and because of the
concerns from parents Mrs. Alcodray has asked Mrs. Sareini to
speak to the k-5 classroom about appropriate language and
behavior at school.

Teacher report
● Mrs. Angela
○ Will provide PTA with the candy gram template for December
fundraiser/ sign-up genius/ or flyer for any upcoming events
○ On Nov 5 th school is closed for election day but will have a bake
sale for voters coming into the building
■ If you’re in the area come and support our bake sale!

President report- Amal Ayad
September Fundraiser
● After Royale with cheese Fundraiser $200 was what was donated based
on sales for that night.
● Membership contest is over and the PTA will be providing Donuts and
Cider to all the classes on Friday Oct.11 th
● Hanan Baiz was voted in to be Vice President & Hanie Basma as
● Picture Day will be Oct 28 from 8:30-1:00
■ We need 2 volunteers to help

● Trunk or Treat
○ Oct 25 th . 6pm in the back parking lot
○ Mrs. Angela will make a flyer & Sign-up Genius
○ Hanan & Hanie will make up goodie bags from PTA to pass out
○ We need Donuts and Cider to be donation otherwise we will sell
pizza and water

Popcorn Friday/ Bake Sale:
This year we will be alternating between Popcorn Friday and Bake Sales.
● This Friday will be our first bake sale.
○ It will be held in the Cafeteria at 2:30

Student Communication Board

● Hanan Baiz & Hanie Basma Volunteered will be Decorating the
Student Communication Board! If any parents or teachers have
ideas for the monthly board please contact Hanan or Hanie.

Book Fair:

○ Book Fair Date was changed to the week of Nov 12. This
was done in coordination with parent teacher conferences so
we could have parents who come into the building access it.
○ We asked about switching Scholastic dollars to Cash and
there is a penalty so it is not worth it at this time
○ We have about $7,500 in scholastic dollars that we need to
○ Amal will send out a reminder email to teachers

Next Meeting
● We will alternate between in-person and Virtual Every month.
● Next meeting will be in person after drop off NOV. 7 in the Cafeteria at
8:45 AM
Treasurer Report- Rami
● Financial Statement :$6,500 is what we have in our account
○ If you want a more detailed statement you can email Rami.
● $100 was made from the last popcorn Friday
● $900 from apparel and PTA memberships.
○ If you want to buy apparel reach out to Rami as we have a stock pile
and many sizes available.
● $273 went to the Gaga Ball pit
○ Mrs. Alocodry and Rami will follow up on when the installation for turf
will take place.

● $492 was approved to supply Mrs. Keebler with 2 tablets for the Lego/
Robotics club.
● An email will go out to teachers and staff to remind them that the PTA is
willing to support any needs that may have in regards to supplies or items
for the classroom.