Howe Montessori and Center Based Education

Tammy Fournier

Late Start Tomorrow!

Reminder! Wednesday, December 7 is a districtwide late start. All classes will begin 1 hour later. Special Education programs will begin unloading students at 9:15 and Montessori classes will begin at 10:00. Montessori students may begin arriving at 9:30 for...

Today’s Lunch & Popcorn Day!

Good morning, Today we have: 1st choice- Pretzels with cheese dip 2nd choice is- Grilled cheese sandwich Today is also $1 popcorn day. Don't forget to send in $1 if your child would like a bag of popcorn.

Recess Reminders

Dear Parent & Guardians, Now that cold and soon-to-be snowy weather is here, it’s important for students to dress appropriately for the conditions. Students need to wear a winter jacket to school and also bring a hat and gloves. When snow is on the ground,...

Today’s Lunch

Good morning, Today the choices are: 1st choice- Cheesy Nachos 2nd choice- Beef, beans, and cheese burrito

Important Dates!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving Break! Now that we are back to school there are only a few quick weeks until the Holiday Break. Don't forget to mark your calendars with these important dates. Wednesday, November 30- 3:00 Parent Partnership Meeting- Howe...